比赛时间:2016年6月20日 - 2016年6月25日 (共计6天)
Required Piece:
"El sue?o de la razón produce monstruos" from Caprichos de Goya by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco.
June 20-22, 2016: performance before a panel of five (5) judges. This round is closed to the public.
Each candidate must perform the following in the order of their choice:
1) Set Piece; a work specially composed for the competition, herein after referred to the "set piece". Each registered competitor will receive the set piece on May 2 after receipt of all registration fees and materials by the declared Deadline Date.
2) A free choice program not to exceed ten (10) minutes.
The judges have the option of stopping the candidate during any of these performances. All works in all rounds are to be performed from memory with the exception of the set piece, for which memorization is optional. Should you choose to read the score, a page-turner will be permitted.
Twelve (12) competitors from this round will advance to the Semifinal Round. Announcement of the twelve competitors to advance will be made Thursday evening at the beginning of Intermission. All decisions by the judges are final.
June 23, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm: Performance order for this round will be determined by a Lottery - numerical order draw. The twelve (12) candidates will perform before a panel of seven (7) new judges. This round is open to the public.
The selections for this round will be:
1) Free choice piece(s) not to exceed ten (10) minutes
2) Required Piece:"El sue?o de la razón produce monstruos" from Caprichos de Goya by Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco.
Pieces from previous rounds may NOT be repeated in later rounds.
The competitor may choose to play their free choice or the required piece first, at their discretion. The total performance time, including the required piece, must not exceed the length of the required piece plus the ten (10) minute free choice program. Players will be timed from the moment the first note is played (initial entry/tuning time will not be counted provided it is within reason), and the timer will run throughout the performance, including the time between pieces. The timer will be stopped at the first note of the required piece and resume at the conclusion of the required piece. Players who exceed the ten (10) minute time limit on their free choice program will be stopped.
Four (4) competitors from this round will advance to the Final Round. Announcement of the four (4) competitors to advance will be made Friday evening at the beginning of Intermission.
June 25, 2016 6:30 pm, with live webcast: Performance order for this round will be determined by a Lottery - numerical order draw. Four (4) candidates will perform before a panel of the same seven (7) judges. This round is open to the public.
Finalists will perform their free choice program along with the Set Piece.
The total performance time, including the Set Piece, must not exceed the length of the Set Piece plus the twenty-five (25) minute program. Players will be timed from the moment the first note is played (initial entry/tuning time will not be counted provided it is within reason), and the timer will run throughout the performance, including the time between pieces. The timer will be stopped at the first note of the set piece and resume at the conclusion of the Set Piece. Players who exceed the twenty-five (25) minute time limit on their free choice program will be stopped.
Pieces from previous rounds may NOT be repeated in later rounds. All decisions by the judges are final.
ü 比赛艺术总监为Martha Masters;
ü 初赛评审团由5位国际资深评委组成;
ü 半决赛和决赛评审团由另外7名国际资深评委组成;
ü 每一年的评审环节均会受到组委会的审查,组委会在比赛前期有权改进比赛相关规则;
ü 评审团通过投票对各环节比赛进行评审,票数最多的参赛选手将晋级下一轮(半决赛/决赛)比赛;
ü 决赛中根据选手所获票数,排名一/二/三/四名奖项;如果出现平局,评审团仅对平局选手进行二次投票;
ü 评审团的决定是最终的,不容置疑。
1. 主要奖项:
1) 现金奖励10000美元;
2) 50余场音乐巡回演出,分别在美国、加拿大、墨西哥、南美洲、波斯尼亚、黑塞哥维那、英国和中国;
3) 奥路菲颁发的500美元礼品兑换券;
4) Naxos CD 唱片录制;
5) GHA CD 唱片录制;
6) Mel Bay 出版;
1) 行星波吉他配件,以及免费支持三年的达达里奥吉他弦(提供52根/一等奖/年,26根/二三四等奖/年);
2) Savarez提供的通用琴弦包;
3) Augustine提供的通用琴弦包;
ü 所有国际获奖者均需依法缴纳30%联邦所得税;美国获奖者将发行IRS-1099;
ü 所有赠送的礼品均有赞助商提供,组委会将尽全力颁发所有声明的奖项,但是如果赞助商未提供相应礼品支持,组委会将不承担任何安全责任;
ü 所有晋级半决赛的选手均奖励500美元旅行津贴,国际选手需提供交通凭证。