维拉·洛塔·舍甫琴科出生于1901年,她的父母均是高中的老师,父亲教授数学,母亲教授语言及文学,之后父母两人均聘至巴黎大学授课,不久维拉开始学习音乐。12岁的时候,就已经加入托斯卡尼尼乐团,从师于Alfred Korto,毕业后在维也纳音乐学院学习,以演奏巴赫、莫扎特、贝多芬的曲目而出彩。在巴黎,她与一位苏联贸易代表团官员结婚,并于1938年移民苏联。然而,由于其丈夫因权被捕,她也无辜的受到牵连,并在牢狱中度过13年。所有这些漫长的岁月里,从床头切出一块木板,是她唯一的乐器键盘。维拉“弹奏”着她无声的钢琴,她为其它女囚犯演奏音乐会,她们被她对音乐的热爱所震撼。她们迷恋着她演奏着20世纪最不寻常的乐器。
从监狱释放后,她曾在Nizhnii音乐剧中作为钢琴家演奏,这是俄罗斯著名电影导演Vladimir Motyl的第一部大作。上个世纪中期,她受苏联科学院西伯利亚分院院长的邀请,成为新西伯利亚州爱乐协会乐团的一名独奏家。维拉成为一位活跃的表演家,她在莫斯科,列宁格勒,新西伯利亚州,敖德萨,鄂木斯克,斯维尔德洛夫斯克等地演奏,努力工作,表演着她的最爱——巴赫、贝多芬、肖邦、德彪西。她真正的胜利来自于与新西伯利亚州爱乐协会乐团表演的贝多芬所有奏鸣曲及第五协奏曲的演出,由 Vassilii Sinaisky担任指挥。虽然维拉有机会再回到法国,但她总是拒绝,她说“如果我回去,对那些在监狱中帮助我的俄罗斯女囚将是一种背叛”。她逝世后,埋葬在西伯利亚南部的墓地,她的墓碑上刻着自己的话:“与巴赫音乐同在的日子是幸福所在”。
比赛地点:俄罗斯 叶卡捷琳堡
比赛时间:2016年6月18日 - 2016年7月1日 (共计14天)
l 初级组:19岁以下;
l 主竞赛组:19岁(含)及以上。
1. 初级组分两轮比赛:两轮独奏比赛;
2. 第二轮比赛:初级组6名选手晋级,主竞赛组12名选手晋级;
l MAIN Competition:
The recording should consist of a solo production of the following:
- One part/composition of a classical sonata;
- One virtuoso etude;
- One production from a French composer;
- The recording should be 35 minutes long;
l JUNIOR Competition
- Choose from the playbill of rounds I and II of the competition;
- The recording should be no longer than 20 minutes;
l JUNIOR Competition:
Ist round.
Duration of performance in the Competition is no more than 20 minutes.
1. One prelude and one fugue by the following composers: Bach, Taneyev, Shostakovich.
2. Czerny, etude from the 740th Composition.
3. One etude by the following composers: Chopin, Lizst, Scriabin, Rachmaninoff.
4. A piece by a 19th or 20th century French composer.
IInd round.
Duration of performance in the Competition is no more than 30 minutes.
1. Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert classical sonata (1st movement).
2. A Romantic piece by a Western European composer.
3. A work by a composer from the entrant's own country, written after 1960.
l MAIN Competition
Ist round
· Performance to be no longer than 45 minutes, not including pauses between the pieces. In the qualifying rounds of the competition video recordings of performances may be shown.
· The selection and arrangement of the performance should be conducted by the entrant them self, and should include works of various styles as well as noteworthy compositions of the Pianoforte's repertoire.
· Entrants' personal compositions may not be performed in this round of the competition.
IInd round.
· Performance to be no longer than 60 minutes, not including pauses between the pieces (If the entrant wishes there may be a break of 3-5 minutes.)
· The performance must include different styles (of which two are compulsory – a long, or one long and one medium composition, and a composition from 1960 onwards.)
· The entrant's own composition may be performed.
· Pieces from the first round may not be repeated.
III Round – Final
Finalist must perform two piano concerts (one from Group “A” and one from group “B”), accompanied by a symphony orchestra. The conductor and the orchestra will be indicated in the invitation to bidders. Also available to play concerts are not included in the mandatory list. To this end, the contestant must obviously apply to the Organizing Committee.
Group “A”:
1. Mozart. Any of his piano concerti (except KV.37,39,40,41 and 107)
2. Beethoven.
· Concerto No. 1 C major, composition 15
· Concerto No. 2 B flat major, composition 19
· Concerto No. 3 C minor, composition 37
· Concerto No. 4 G major, composition 58
· Concerto No. 5 E flat major, composition 73
Group “B”:
1. Chopin. Concerto No. 1 E minor, composition 11.
2. Liszt. Concerto No. 2 A major.
3. Brahms. Concerto No.1 D minor, composition 15.
4. Saint-Sa?ns. Concerto No.2 G minor, composition 22.
5. Grieg. Concerto A minor.
6. Tchaikovsky. Concerto No.2 G major, composition 44.
7. Rachmaninoff. Concerto No.1 F sharp minor, composition 1.
8. Scriabin. Concerto F sharp minor.
9. Prokofiev. Concerto No.3 E major, composition 26.
10.Ravel. Concerto G major.
l 评审团将由杰出的音乐家和音乐教授团队组成;
l 评审团的评审结果是最终的,不容置疑;
l 评委不得为自己的学生进行评审。
1. 初级组:
2. 主竞赛组:
ü 根据参赛选手实际的演出水平,评审团有权拆分奖项或者保留部分奖项。所有奖项的总额是既定的;
ü 现金奖励根据俄罗斯中央银行支付当天的汇率以卢布支付。